Tuesday, September 15, 2009



Half and a year has pass since my last login..
i dont know what to do, since lots of my time is studying...
I'm so sorry that i can't give much more information for u bout anime...
Cause i need to score more than i can in this semester...
My pointer in sem 1 is only 3.43....
So...(need to study hard, study smart..)


pmc said...

Haha bro! Nice pointer mate! Keep it up!

Anime this season is really good brother! I'm crazy with the load of assignments myself but, I still do devote time for anime from time to time especially the stressful times.

Here is an overview of this coming Fall 2009 anime!


And of course...

"Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin" kawanku. Dah lama tak jumpa ye. Cuti sem apa macam?

Azri Rotten said...

gempak ar tuh ko nak byk mane lagi!

pmc said...

Hehe aku pun minta maaf bro kalau aku tersilap cakap kat kau dulu2 lagi...

Aku banyak tengok anime Fall nih... best best gak, yang bagus kau patut tengok kalau ada masa Kimi ni Todoke. Kisah cinta dengan twist, mcm honey & clover sikit ler.

2nd best mungkin... Darker than Black 2nd Season. Starting pun dah... fuh. Kalau ko suka ecchi Kampfer best... ada laki jadi pompuan haha!

Cerita lain2 yg aku dah tengok ok2 termasuklah Armed Librarians, Natsu no arashi 2nd Season (ni mmg lawak, org yg buat School Rumble dan animation org yg buat Zetsubou Sensei). Ada gak cerita ecchi mcm Queen's Blade (mmg ecchi mcm ikkitousen :p) yg dah 2nd season. Sora no otoshimono best gak- crita pasal budak dpt pompuan jadi servant dia... ecchi ler :p

Crita lain yg aku lum tgk lagi yg best mungkin Winter Sonata (crita ni dlm Korean, tp ikut siri drama dia), Fairy Tail. Crita 11Eyes ok2 je la mcm biasa (mcm chaos head). Nyan Koi crita lawak pasal lelaki kena sumpah dengan kucing cakap. =)

Kla bro dah penat dah ni. Ko ada Yahoo tak? kat uni aku bole guna wifi tp bagi access yahoo mssngr jer. Kalo ade drop la eh aku add.

Selamat jalan!